Nathan Bourque

Nathan Bourque’s path to becoming an artist is both monumental and heroic.
At age 22, he sustained a C3-4 spinal cord injury (paralysis from the chest
down). He had just graduated from U-Mass Amherst and was a semi-pro
soccer player. His dream was to become a professional soccer player.

In spite of this adversity, he redirected his life and went on to earn a Master’s in
Education and become a college Math Professor. He loved working with the
students and had a special gift for instruction. About 5 years ago, he began
experiencing epileptic seizures, a previously dormant consequence of his injury.
Almost overnight, it destroyed his teaching career.

Once again, he was faced with reinventing himself. With so many doors closed
to him, it wasn’t easy but he transitioned to a new career as an artist. As
evidenced by his body of work, he enjoys buddings success. Untrained in the
arts (although late mom was an artist as well as his dad) his work is particularly
gifted in its honesty. There is no attempt to mimic other famous artists. His art
comes straight from the heart.