Wendy James

Wendy has a BA in Art Education and taught high school art for many years in Vermont. She exhibited paintings in Vermont galleries before moving to MA. She now resides at Western Avenue Lofts in Lowell with her artist husband, John Brickels. They also share studio 207 at Western Avenue. Their studio is open the first Saturday of most months and upon request.


Cityscapes have always intrigued me. I love the geometry, contrast of light and shadow, pattern of building windows, deep perspective, endless textures and reflections. Living in Lowell is such a gift. A few minutes walk in any direction offers new compositions. Low angle sun at the beginning or end of a day is a favorite time to capture this ever changing subject matter on my phone. I even notice walking back home along the same route presents new compositions seen from a new direction. I alter the color and saturation of my images in Photoshop. Often I will change scale and viewpoint, juxtaposing unlikes together. Layering images results in new meaning. I then use my laptop as a sketchpad as I paint oil on canvas. My intent is to suggest the viewer might taste the usual as a new flavor.


Artist Website