Olga Sushkova-Hunyadi

Olga Hunyadi works as a painter and designer for over 14 years after graduating with honors at Kazan Art College, Russia. She studied at High School of Arts Dresden, Germany,  joined the Union of Artists of Russia, received a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in support of young artists. Since 2018 lives and works in Lowell, MA, USA. Since 2005 participates in group and regional exhibitions and holds solo exhibitions in Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Canada.  

In 2018-2024 took part shows in Massachusetts (Boston, Brookline, Brighton, Lowell, Maynard, Cambridge, Middleboro, Lexington), New Hampshire and New York City.

Held solo shows in Lowell (home event), Lexington (Lexington Community Center), Nashua (Nashua Public Library), Newburyport (Firehouse Center for the Arts), Needham (Boston Bilingual Singers Studio), Westford (Paris Center for the Arts).


Works are in private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Australia, Estonia, Israel, China, Canada, England, Turkey and the USA.